Hi hello 안녕하세요(annyeonghaseyo)! I’m so glad you’re here that I wanted to impress you with my Korean! I am still learning, and let me tell you it is NOT easy, but it feels amazing to learn something new every day. Being able to communicate in many different ways is something I am great at and even better, it’s something I love. My favorite way to communicate a message or a feeling is through the telling of stories. As we probably are all familiar with the quote by George R. R. Martin, I have definitely “lived a thousand lives” through stories, whether that be books, plays, theater, or from my own head. I made up so many stories as a kid that now as an adult, I truly cannot recall if those stories actually happened or not. You could say I was dramatic from the start.
I have had a love for stories and performing for as long as I can remember. I have always been a big reader, having read 75 books in 2023 alone after I rediscovered that passion. Having been in so many different worlds, my passion for narration began. Now, I am always open to any role in any form of performance but I am drawn now to narration and voice over. I think it is a whole different world to be able to portray someone from your voice alone. And for audiobook narration, I feel it is an honor to be able to share someone else’s story in a way that will give the readers/listeners an even deeper understanding of the world and the characters. I want the listener to feel as if they know this person and can recognize themselves in them as that is one of my favorite parts of performance. There have been so many audiobooks that have amplified the story for me in ways that allowed me to experience the characters and the story from an entirely new angle. Many narrators have even inspired me creatively. To be that for someone else gives me a lot of joy and peace.
I feel most drawn towards the best friend role. However, in school, my training and acting teachers proved to me that I can also be the leading lady. That discovery gave me the confidence to believe in myself and trust myself. After all, if you believe in yourself, you are halfway there. I feel confident in roles where the character is good natured, but that doesn’t stop me from expanding my talent! I often find myself in comedic roles as I am able to really amplify my voice to achieve comedic inflection. However, I can easily channel dramatic character work. A healthy balance of the 2 is my favorite work to do. There I go rhyming again! Did I mention I write poetry? My favorite piece I have even written happens to be a spoken word piece. I have never performed it but hope to one day!
When I am not working on anything related to voice over or narration, you can find me seeking that same sense of passion and commitment with my other hobbies. Right now, I am in the process of writing my first book! I am not sure where it is going within the story, but it has been fun to figure that out. I am always reading at least 2 books; one an audiobook and one a physical book either on my kindle or a hard copy. This year I had a goal to read 75 books. However, then I discovered K-pop, specifically Stray Kids. If you are interested, give them a listen! They are incredibly talented to the point where you cannot look away. Remember the Korean in the beginning of this bio? That stemmed from exposing myself to Korean culture! I want to expand my knowledge on communication in more ways than one to connect more with others. When I commit to something, I am all in, 110%. I push myself, work hard, and devote myself to achieving my goals. One of those goals has been my health. I spent years taking care of myself mentally and now I am taking care of myself physically. I have lost almost 100 pounds all on my own in a healthy and positive way, which is much different from my past weight loss. Those times I was unhealthy and had terrible balance. This time has been different since my goal isn’t to “look better” but rather FEEL better. I felt like a stranger in my own body. Now, I feel I know myself and I feel STRONG. It has been one of the most rewarding feelings. The journey has been so hard but has just been proof to myself that I can do what I set my mind to. OrangeTheory has helped with that mindset as well! You can find me there 4 times a week constantly asking the coaches to play K-pop. It’s the perfect workout music! One day….
In November, I am marrying the love of my life. Together we have a dog named Jackson and a cat named Ollie. I adopted Jackson 5 and a half years ago, he is my soul dog and helped me heal from many dark years. Me and my fiancé adopted our cat when he was just 6 weeks old! He is 1 now and a total maniac. I may have to take a daily allergy pill but he is worth it. During football season, you can find me cheering on the Buffalo Bills. And by cheering I mean sweating, stressing, and trying to lower my high heart rate. I love those boys but man they stress me out. I am named after one of the Bills most famous QB Jim Kelly so I was required to be a Bills fan. It just so happens that I love sports, having played soccer, basketball, and lacrosse for 15 years. A new hobby of mine has been having a bullet journal. It has sparked even more creativity in my daily life and the organization and creative outlet brings me peace and structure. Plus, I share the hobby (along with pretty much everything) with my best friend and that makes everything better. I value my relationships so much and feel grateful to have the people that I have in my life. I am very close to my family and that has given me a foundation for who I am today. When I lived in NYC for 6 years, I did hours and hours of volunteer work. I felt and still feel it is our duty to help others. I spent most of my time cleaning up after Hurricane Sandy, doing soup kitchens, and helping the homeless. While I don’t have as much time to physically help in those ways currently, I try to support causes online the best that I can. I have always yearned to help others as others have helped me.
Well now that you know a little about me, I hope to learn more about you! Or at least share with you some of my favorite things starting with Stray Kids songs/videos….how much time do you have?